Tips for trips
Inside a outside swimming pools are in Náchod (10 km), Dobruška (9 km) and Jaroměř (18 km). The nearest aquaparks are in Kudowa Zdrój (Poland 15km) and Hradec Králové (30km). The Rozkoš Dam is 4km away, there you can swim, fish and windsurfing.
Sights to see
There is a renaissance square, chateau and museum in Novém Městě nad Metují. There is Klopotovské valley with deer-park ornature reserve Peklo ("the Hell") outside the town. Other interesting sites on the web of town.
The surrounding area offersgood conditions forhiking and cyclingas it is locatedin the foothills of the area of the Orlické hory ("the Eagle Mountains").The cyclobuses go at the weekendto the Orlické hory ("the Eagle Mountains"),to the Polish Stolové hory ("the Table Mountains")and many other places.
More interesting places in the surroundings: the Chateau Ratibořice, town Česká Skalice and the Babiččino údolí ("the Grandmother's valley"), the Chateau Kuks, the Chateau Opočno, the Chateau Náchod, the Museum of Merkur in Police nad Metují, the Teplicko-Adršpašské skály ("Adršpach-Teplice rocks"), the Broumov Monastery and others.
Ski resort Deštné in the area of Orlické hory ("the Eagle Mountains") completely equipped centre of winter sports (22km away). Other ski resorts are in Sedloňov, Nový Hrádek, Olešnice v Orlických horách or in Polish ski resort Zieleniec. They are locatedabout 15 km fromthe accomodation and offerskiingat very reasonable prices.
Interesting places